
Privacy Policy

“We”, “Our” and “Us” means Bespoke Automotive Services Pty Ltd ACN 613 598 440 trading as Newcastle Quality Cars.

This document is Our Privacy Policy. It has been published to provide Our policy on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information that We obtain via this website and as part of the services offered to you at Our motor dealership. 

    1. Personal Information 

    1.1 We treat the handling of your personal information very seriously and have procedures in place to protect your privacy in relation to the handling of your personal information.  

    2. Collection of Personal Information 

    2.1. We may collect your personal information through your interaction with Our website or in person at our dealership.  

    2.2. The personal information that We collect may include:

      2.2.1 statistical information which We gather including your IP address and the computer, web browser and your geographic location as well as the web pages on this Website that you visit and how long you spend on each web page. We may use cookies to collection this information. 

      2.2.2 your name and contact details including address, email or phone number.

      2.2.3 a copy of your drivers licence.

    3. Use of Personal Information 

    3.1 Your personal information is collected for the purpose of business dealings with you, Our customers, responding to customer enquiries made via Our website and promoting Our business on the website through the publishing of customer-made testimonials. 

    3.2 Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. 

    3.3 If you wish to test drive a car from our dealership we will ask to take a photocopy of your drivers licence for security purposes. This may be kept by Us for up to 18 months in a secured office cabinet. 

    3.4 We will not undertake email or direct marketing activities based on your personal information. 

    4. Personal Information Security 

    4.1 We will not disclose any of your personal information to any third party unless required or authorised by law or to investigate an unlawful activity. 

    4.2 Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents, or electronically on Our software systems. 

    4.3 You may request access to personal information We hold about you. You will be required to verify your identity in this instance. 

    4.4 We will use all reasonable endeavours to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss and from unauthorised access however we cannot guarantee and do not guarantee the security of our electronic and or physical office facilities. 

    5. Enquiries about this Privacy Policy 

    5.1. If you have any questions about Our privacy practices, please contact Us. Our contact  details are as follows: 

      Post: 478 Pacific Highway, Belmont NSW 2280.

      Telephone: 0478 181 002